Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lent is upon us, and I'm making a few changes.

Lent is upon us, and like my dear friend Tim McCarthy - I too am giving up alcohol. I'm also giving up flour, sugar, and will exercise an hour a day, 5 days a week (tennis is extra). Why? Health, happiness, and my Grampa, whom I loved dearly, always gave up drinking and/or something for Lent. I'm not that Catholic anymore, but I do believe it's good to check yourself every once in a while. In 2010 I gave up smoking (with Chantix, it was easy - and no longer smoke at all) and did not drink any alcohol either for 10 months. I hope to lose weight, feel better, and simply feel "lighter," as a result of these change. Like my friend Tim, I too will need encouragement and support. I may or may not blog about it here on my neglected little blog. If I do - I will because I've heard lots of people get "motivation" for keeping doing what they're doing. My 20 year college reunion is in May, and in my profession, how you look is important. I think it's as good a time as any to make some positive changes. XoXoX — with Francesca Marguerite Maximé at New York. OH, and I'm also giving up RED MEAT! Wish me luck:)