Thursday, February 14, 2019

#WiseGirl: Trauma Expert Dr: Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Kee...

In today's #WiseGirl video podcast, I speak with trauma expert Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps The Score. He talks about the physiology behind what transforms trauma in the brain and body, how modalities like yoga can help transform trauma, self-awareness and curiosity about noticing what we're experiencing, how oppressive, systemic societal structures influence the degree of trauma people experience, how systems (housing, healthcare) that support greater wellbeing can help prevent trauma, and we also address who often does -- and doesn't -- have access to the kinds modalities often helpful for trauma healing.



​Bessel van der Kolk MD has spent his career studying how children and adults adapt to traumatic experiences, and has translated emerging findings from neuroscience and attachment research to develop and study a range of potentially effective treatments for traumatic stress in children and adults.
In 1984, he set up one of the first clinical/research centers in the US dedicated to study and treatment of traumatic stress in civilian populations, which has trained numerous researchers and clinicians specializing in the study and treatment of traumatic stress, and which has been continually funded to research the impact of traumatic stress and effective treatment interventions. He did the first studies on the effects of SSRIs on PTSD; was a member of the first neuroimaging team to investigate how trauma changes brain processes, and did the first research linking BPD and deliberate self-injury to trauma and neglect in early childhood.

Much of his research has focused on how trauma has a different impact at different stages of development, and that disruptions in care-giving systems have additional deleterious effects that need to be addressed for effective intervention. In order to promote a deeper understanding of the impact of childhood trauma and to foster the development and execution of effective treatment interventions, he initiated the process that led to the establishment of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), a Congressionally mandated initiative that now funds approximately 150 centers specializing in developing effective treatment interventions, and implementing them in a wide array of settings, from juvenile detention centers to tribal agencies, nationwide.

He has focused on studying treatments that stabilize physiology, increase executive functioning and help traumatized individuals to feel fully alert to the present. This has included an NIMH funded study on EMDR and NCCAM funded study of yoga, and, in recent years, the study of neurofeedback to investigate whether attentional and perceptual systems (and the neural tracks responsible for them) can be altered by changing EEG patterns.

​His efforts resulted in the establishment of Trauma Center that consist  of a well-trained clinical team specializing in the treatment of children and adults with histories of child maltreatment, that applies treatment models that are widely taught and implemented nationwide, a research lab that studies the effects of neurofeedback and MDMA on behavior, mood, and executive functioning, and numerous trainings nationwide to a variety of mental health professional, educators, parent groups, policy makers, and law enforcement personnel. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

#WiseGirl: Ken Page, LCSW, author of Deeper Dating, on Dating Mindfully

In today's #WiseGirl podcast, I sit down with psychotherapist and dating and relationship expert Ken Page to discuss Mindful Dating. He walks us through a process of self-discovery of our "core gifts" and how opening to the very things about which we feel most vulnerable can lead to true connection and lasting love. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!

KEN PAGE, LCSW, is a renowned psychotherapist, leading Psychology Today blogger, Huffington Post blogger and author of the bestseller Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. He has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Fox News, WPIX-TV News and more. Page has led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants. He has taught at Columbia University, the Omega Institute and the Garrison Institute. Before writing his book, Page founded Deeper Dating in 2004; an event in which trained facilitators shared the insights of Deeper Dating and then led participants in a series of fun and enriching exercises. The live events he led provided an alternative to the bar scene and superficial dating events and drew thousands of men and women of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations. His work has been highly acclaimed by numerous top thought leaders, including Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Arielle Ford, Edward Hallowell, MD, Chip Conley, and Judith Orloff, MD. Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Calling in The One and Conscious Uncoupling says, “Ken Page is my new relationship guru!”