In today’s #WiseGirl video podcast, I chat with psychotherapist Bruce Ecker, MA, LMFT, co-originator of Coherence Therapy and coauthor of Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation.
What’s enlightenment, anyway? That’s one of the things I’ve been curious about for some time. The new neuroscience research that’s emerged in just the last 1-2 decades shows how subcortical synaptic changes in the brain can enable some people to be rid of issues that have plagued them for years, once and for all. While explicit autobiographical memories of life experiences remain, after these synaptic changes take place — here known as memory reconsolidation — people who’ve gone through the process don’t end up reacting with the same patterns and locked into the same “triggered” emotion or feeling that’s bothered them for years. They can relate to it differently, from where they are, right here, right now. How does this happen? It’s a process that can occur spontaneously, either in the therapist’s office or in “regular life,” but it’s also one that can be accessed by following certain protocols. While acknowledging that many therapeutic theoretical models can and support these critical subcortical changes, Ecker offers a set of steps that fosters these transformations, known as Coherence Therapy, and discusses how the process works with me on #WiseGirl.
Bruce Ecker, MA, LMFT is also the author of Depth Oriented Brief Therapy: How To Be Brief When You Were Trained To Be Deep and Vice Versa. Clarifying how transformational change takes place is the central theme of Bruce Ecker's clinical career, and he has contributed many innovations in concepts and methods of experiential psychotherapy. Since 2006 he has driven the clinical field's recognition of memory reconsolidation as the core process of transformational change and has developed the application of this brain research breakthrough to advancements in therapeutic effectiveness and psychotherapy integration. Bruce is a frequent presenter at conferences and workshops internationally, has taught extensively in clinical graduate programs, and is in private practice near San Francisco, California.
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